Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I definitely have absolutely nothing important to say for this blog lol! These last few weeks of school have just been kinda "blah", to say the least. Guess i've just been "going through the motions", so to speak. Little sleep, lots of homework, class,eat, some fun, work, etc..not in that order, of course. Anywho,I think the problem is that I'm suffering from an extreme case of "summer-itis". I'm sooooooooooo ready for summer to come because I feel as though I need a break from everything; a very well deserved break. This semester I've been working pretty hard, and now I feel like I need atleast a few weeks to just chill and do nothing, if I so please. Of course this isn't going to happen anytime soon, seeing as how every teacher seems to think that their class is the only class we have to focus on and is assigning endless amounts of homework and exams to study for! Every day I'm counting down until I'm officially on summer break. As of this exact moment, its 26 days! I'm usually not one to rush time but I'm praying that these days fly past!!!