Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I definitely have absolutely nothing important to say for this blog lol! These last few weeks of school have just been kinda "blah", to say the least. Guess i've just been "going through the motions", so to speak. Little sleep, lots of homework, class,eat, some fun, work, etc..not in that order, of course. Anywho,I think the problem is that I'm suffering from an extreme case of "summer-itis". I'm sooooooooooo ready for summer to come because I feel as though I need a break from everything; a very well deserved break. This semester I've been working pretty hard, and now I feel like I need atleast a few weeks to just chill and do nothing, if I so please. Of course this isn't going to happen anytime soon, seeing as how every teacher seems to think that their class is the only class we have to focus on and is assigning endless amounts of homework and exams to study for! Every day I'm counting down until I'm officially on summer break. As of this exact moment, its 26 days! I'm usually not one to rush time but I'm praying that these days fly past!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stereotypes in Television

So,last night before trying to fall asleep (this is my normal ritual, which normally ends with me falling asleep with the tv on. No wonder why my electric bill is so high!), I was aimlessly flipping through the tv channels and stopped on Adult Swim.

Basically no more than Cartoon Network for adults, Adult swim shows many different and in my opinion,stupid,programs. Since I'm not too much a fan of this channel, I normally don't make a habit of watching it. Last night was different,though.When I stopped on the channel, the first thing I noticed was the language they were using; so vulgar and pretty disgusting, I must admit. Although we've all certainly heard/said cuss words in our day,the words used in this particular program were almost sickening. I've never heard the "n bomb",along with "bitch,hoe,fuck,shit"(excuse my language), among others, used so many times within one sentence, let alone a CARTOON! While I'm aware that this cartoon (can't remember the name) was aimed for the older and mature adult audience, there is still no reason such language to be used. In addition, another thing I felt alarming was the portrayal of the characters. Adorned in gold chains, baggy pants, and what have you, they were basically the epitomy of a stereotypical "black person". During many of the limited scenes I watched before falling asleep(with the tv on again, might I add), the characters were basically shown drinking 40's, rolling blunts, and cursing each other out. This occurence got me to start thinking and wondering "how did society get to this point, and why do we as African Americans allow ourselves to be portrayed in such a negative light"? Seeing as how I can't speak for African Americans as a whole, I personally believe that we have come too long of a way from our dark past to just "accept" being portrayed this way. Furthermore, in a time that signifies change, I do feel as though America has opened up and broadened their view of other cultures and are definitely starting to diminish racial barriers and stereotypes, but after seeing this program, I'm starting to believe that maybe America hasn't made as much progress as I initially thought; but instead,slumping back down into the narrow minded-ness and ignorance of past years. There are now, and has always been, many successful African American figures and role models in society who are well educated and successful in life. Instead, it seems as though people would much rather focus on the negative connotations and stereotypes, rather than the positives. Not all African Americans act the way that was displayed in the cartoon! Not to sound overly sensitive, but this bothers me alot. So much, that when I woke up it still weighed heavily on my heart, thus giving me a topic for this blog. I'm rambling now, so I guess the question is, How did society get to the point where this is seen as normal and perfectly acceptable? Most importantly, how do we as a society change the way we think? Is this a possible feat, or just wishful thinking?

If anybody could contribute some information, I'd definitely appreciate it.
Thanks for Reading!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


So,I thought I'd try out Blogger Mobile to see if it works! I can't believe I'm blogging through text message. This is crazy!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Random Thoughts

I'm sitting here trying to finish homework and watch the Super Bowl at the same time..can you say IMPOSSIBLE! I really want to just say forget it and continue watching the game, but I know I can't do that. Just gotta keep my eyes on the prize, which is ultimately doing great this semester and getting off of Academic Probation. Ehhh..there will be other games :-)

"Making a short term sacrifice for a long term gain"